“I think there are two keys to success. One is to show up. The other is to keep going. Most people don’t keep going.” - Dan John
I believe consistency is key.
Some days are hard to show up but that is only half the battle. But it's the greatest start to the battle. If you don’t keep going and waging on, then you are sure to fail.
How do you not fail?
By keep going…
Yes, life is hard.
Yes, life gets in the way.
Yes, you get in your own way.
But that doesn’t mean you quit. It means you find a way to keep going. Keep trying. Change your methods. Be flexible.
You are human, there is no way around it (and if you have found a way around it then you must teach us your ways, wise one). Mistakes will happen but it's important to find a way to recover from those mistakes, learn from them and to grow.
Show up, do the work. Keep showing up, keep doing the work, and you WILL succeed!
Consistency is key.