By Nikki Jarrett
Every program I design for you will have some sort of self-myofascical release either at the begin or the end of your training session.
One of the ways we do this is by foam rolling. Most people have heard of foam rolling and/or has done it before. But ,if you don’t know what it is or what it does for you, please read on.
Foam rolling can help promote blood flow and break down scar tissue. It could also help maintain normal muscle length, reduce pain and soreness, increase range of motion, and aid in recovery.
Essentially, foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, or self-massage, that gets rid of adhesions in your muscles and connective tissue. Foam rolling also increases blood flow to your muscles, creating better mobility, aiding with recovery and improving performance.
Using a foam roller is a more affordable way to give yourself a deep tissue massage. By slowing rolling over various areas of your body, you'll help break up adhesions, scar tissue, and speed up the healing and recovery process after your workout.
Sometimes this takes just 30 seconds, but at other times it can take 2 minutes or more. The goal of foam rolling is to get bound up portions of the muscle to relax, so when you feel the soreness/tightness reduce in half, this is an indication that you are meeting your goal and the muscle is relaxing.
Most targeted areas are the Upper Back, Lats, Glutes, IT Band, Hamstrings, Quads , Adductors and Hip Flexors.
Here is an easy little foam rolling video that you can use to help you through your foam rolling series. Do these prior or after your main workout to help warm up and stretch those right muscles. You can do each move for anywhere from 30 seconds to 90 seconds a day.
(video coming soon!)
Try it today, and let me know what you think!